
Independence matters in industry analysis and at Pilot Research it is a core value.

Pilot Research has four commitments to disclosing information that could be perceived as influencing its work:

  1. A dedicated, regularly updated Independence page on the Pilot Research site. This page discloses any technology company shares / stocks, options or related financial instruments held or directly controlled by either the company or its employees.

  2. All content produced under contract and published directly by Pilot Research will be explicitly marked to indicate it is paid for.

  3. Content produced discussing event attendance (vendor or otherwise) where travel and other expenses have been reimbursed by a technology company will be specifically highlighted in that content.

  4. All paid for software (including software received for free that would usually be paid for) used by Pilot Research and its employees for the purposes of conducting its business will be listed on the Independence page.

Financial Interest Disclosure

Pilot Research Limited owns or controls the following share / stock, options or related financial instruments:

  • None.

Tom Pringle, Director, owns or controls the following share / stock, options or related financial instruments:

  • Shares in Pilot Research Limited.

  • Shares in LocatorX, Inc..

  • Options in LocatorX, Inc..

Last update: 7th June 2024

Software Use Disclosure

Pilot Research Limited uses the following paid for software:

  • Google Workspace.

  • Intuit Quickbooks.

  • Squarespace.

Last update: 7th June 2024